Pharmacol.Res 2007;56(3):254-260. It also prevented slow allergic reactions (type IV allergic hypersensitivity) [5]. Chem.Res Toxicol. SelfHacked does not endorse any specific product, service, or treatment. Shah, A. H., Qureshi, S., and Ageel, A. M. Toxicity studies in mice of ethanol extracts of Foeniculum vulgare fruit and Ruta chalepensis aerial parts. Any of the side effects that impact the chest or throat can lead to breathing difficulties. Zhu M, Wong PY, Li RC. Acta Paediatrica 1994;83:683. One of the discussed fennel seeds reactions is that it fortifies uterus. Harb T, Matsuyama M, David M, Hill RJ. A cream containing fennel extract improved skin texture and increased skin water content in 11 volunteers [29]. Fennel may also be used in combination with other herbal remedies to modify the side effects of herbal formulas used as laxatives, or other treatments for digestive problems. Phytother.Res 2008;22(1):82-85. Note that each number in parentheses [1, 2, 3, etc.] J Pediatr 1993;122(4):650-652. Tognolini, M., Ballabeni, V., Bertoni, S., Bruni, R., Impicciatore, M., and Barocelli, E. Protective effect of Foeniculum vulgare essential oil and anethole in an experimental model of thrombosis. 2009;22(12):1929-1937. J Lipid Res 2010;51(1):132-139. Taking fennel extract four times daily starting at the beginning of a period can reduce pain in girls and young women with menstrual camps. Orhan, I., Kartal, M., Kan, Y., and Sener, B. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. But fennel isn't as strong as estrogen pills. Antioxidant Properties. Fennel seeds contain phototoxic compounds called psoralens. In mice with high cholesterol, fennel extract decreased total cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL-cholesterol (bad cholesterol), while it increased HDL-cholesterol (good cholesterol) [1]. Anethole, the principal active component of fennel seeds, increased survival time and reduced tumor weight and volume in mice with cancer [34]. We believe that the most accurate information is found directly in the scientific source. Fennel tea can be purchased in almost any supermarket or health food store. BMC.Complement Altern.Med. The health properties of fennel are warming, carminative, antispasmodic, antidepressant, stomachic, pectoral, diuretic, diaphoretic, aromatic, anti-microbial, pain reducing, fever reducing, and promotes milk-flow in nursing mothers. Fennel might decrease how much ciprofloxacin (Cipro) the body absorbs. Aggarwal, B. Fennel Seeds Side Effects. Fitoterapia 2004;75(6):557-565. Fennel’s ability to inhibit these enzymes may make it useful for preventing inflammatory and allergic reactions [8]. J Med Food 2006;9(3):413-417. Burkhard PR, Burkhardt K, Haenggeli CA, Landis T. Plant-induced seizures: reappearance of an old problem. Nonetheless, in limited situations some individuals do experience adverse but non-life threatening reactions to products containing fennel seed. All rights reserved. This may be good for some people (such as those looking to stimulate breast milk production), but bad for others who might already be struggling with high prolactin levels. Fennel extract has shown significant anti-inflammatory effects in rats and mice. 2001;23(4):329-343. Fennel essential oil protected against liver injury and drug-induced liver and kidney damage in rats [38, 39]. Fennel contains several major ingredients that are inhibitors of 5-LOX, an enzyme that causes inflammatory and allergic responses in the body by producing leukotrienes. However, at this point in time, there is insufficient evidence to support these benefits. In another study, prolonged treatment with fennel distillate improved blood glucose, cholesterol, and glycated hemoglobin in diabetic rats [37]. Dres, C, Johnson, C, and Loda, L. Enzymes and erythema reduction. Fugh-Berman, A. Herbal Supplements: Indications, Clinical Concerns, and Safety. Fennel essential oil shows a wonderful effect for the treatment of dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, amenorrhea, menopause, lactation, and polycystic ovary syndrome. View abstract. Originally native to the Mediterranean, it grows all over the world and has been used for centuries as a medicinal plant. If you experience any side effect after using these seeds, discontinue its use. View abstract. As a natural product, some argue that the side effects associated with fennel seed are limited. … View abstract. 1991;34(2-3):167-172. These include contact dermatitis and … Yaralizadeh M, Abedi P, Najar S, Namjoyan F, Saki A. View abstract. [Plasma levels of psoralens after celery ingestion]. View abstract. Pregnancy. Studies also suggest that estragole may be of little concern when fennel is ingested occasionally and not regularly [55, 56]. J Agric.Food Chem. View abstract. Fennel has a long history of being used to treat a variety of gut and digestive problems, including stomach aches, flatulence, diarrhea, and constipation.There are few studies that support these benefits. It Has Calming Properties. Estrogen-sensitive cancers are cancers that are affected by estrogen levels in the body. For example, it increased the production of collagen, elastin, and TGF-beta1 levels in mice exposed to UVB radiation. However, these effects have only been reported in rodents so far, so it’s an open question whether this herb will have as dramatic an effect on cholesterol in human users. Menstrual cramps (dysmenorrhea). Taking fennel along with tamoxifen might decrease the effectiveness of tamoxifen (Nolvadex). Eur.J Clin Pharmacol. View abstract. Early research shows that taking fennel essential oil improves symptoms of menopause. Align your health hacks with your genes for optimal health & cognitive function. 2018;11(1):24-28. Fennel has estrogenic properties. B. and Shishodia, S. Molecular targets of dietary agents for prevention and therapy of cancer. She is passionate about releasing the most accurate science and health information available on topics, and she's meticulous when writing and reviewing articles to make sure the science is sound. View abstract. 2015;174:396-402. Their reviews do not represent the opinions of SelfHacked. View abstract. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Reports exist of fennel oil inducing hallucinations and seizures. J Med Life. View abstract. If you take birth control pills along with fennel, use an additional form of birth control such as a condom. Weizman Z, Alkrinawi S, Goldfarb D, et al. If you are finding it hard to breath as a result of eating this food then please contact your doctor. Portincasa P, Bonfrate L, Scribano ML, et al. piperitum) fruit oils obtained during different vegetation. View abstract. Bae J, Kim J, Choue R, Lim H. Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) tea drinking suppresses subjective short-term appetite in overweight women. Some have also used it while breastfeeding. Vitamins and Supplements to Avoid with Hepatitis C. Quiz: What Do You Know About Vitamin B12 Deficiency? Fennel extract dose-dependently reduced blood pressure in rats [40, 41]. However, these claims have no scientific backing that we are aware of. Biomed Res Int 2014;2014:842674. However, frequent use may cause some side effects due to its estrogen-like activity. Discuss with your doctor if fennel may be useful as a complementary approach in your case and which dose you should take. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial of a standardized extract of Matricariae recutita, Foeniculum vulgare and Melissa officinalis (ColiMil) in the treatment of breastfed colicky infants. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. This effect kicked in between 30 – 120 minutes after taking it. The oil may cause hallucinations and seizures. As a Uterus Stimulant. It blocked acetylcholinesterase, an enzyme that breaks down acetylcholine, in mice [11]. Effect of Foeniculum vulgare Mill. View abstract. The seeds are used to Having sad that, without much ado, let's learn about fennel seeds benefits. Additional, preferably larger human studies are needed to explore the potential benefits of fennel on skin health. View abstract. Further studies with longer durations are needed to examine the potential benefit of this herb on bone density in humans. It contains psoralens, a compound found in many plants and vegetables which can make the skin unusually sensitive to light. 2003;9(4):58-61. Mimics estrogen. Below is a summary of the existing human, animal, and cell-based research, which should guide further investigational efforts. Fennel seeds are found to be useful and effective in all of these conditions. Side Effects & Safety When taken by mouth: Caraway is LIKELY SAFE for most people in food amounts. Kwon, Y. S., Choi, W. G., Kim, W. J., Kim, W. K., Kim, M. J., Kang, W. H., and Kim, C. M. Antimicrobial constituents of Foeniculum vulgare. The following are some of the known benefits and side effects of eating saunf for pregnant women. This could potentially result in more milk production. View abstract. between Fennel… Ostad SN, Soodi M, Shariffzadeh M, et al. Learn how your comment data is processed. Fennel seeds and their potent volatile oils, like anethole, estragole, limonene, … Trabace L, Tucci P, Ciuffreda L, et al. 4. Galactorrhea is the name for the spontaneous or inappropriate flow of milk from the breast, unassociated with childbirth or nursing. 5-24-2006;105(3):449-455. But fennel isn't as strong as the estrogen in birth control pills. Larger trials are needed to establish if fennel is beneficial when it comes to alleviating menstrual pain. Research indicates that pure estragole is deactivated by many other substances contained in these plants [2]. View abstract. Traditionally, fennel seeds are used to treat symptoms of pregnancy including nausea, indigestion, and loss of appetite, belching, abdominal pain and vertigo. View abstract. Highly nutritious. Fennel's dried ripe seeds and oil are used to make medicine. View abstract. Swelling (inflammation) of the main airways in the lung (bronchitis). SBMU Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery Quarterly (SBMU FAC NURS MIDWIFERY Q) 2005;15(49):14. In a triple-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 90 women, fennel effectively reduced menopausal symptoms without serious side effects [23]. This herb suppressed inflammation in mice with lung injury, by decreasing the production of inflammatory cytokines IL-6 and TNF-alpha and the inflammatory agents MMP9 and nitric oxide (NO) [6]. Taking fennel along with ciprofloxacin (Cipro) might decrease the effectiveness of ciprofloxacin (Cipro). However, 5 women withdrew from this study due to finding its odor unpleasant, and one woman reported a mild increase in the amount of menstrual flow [19]. Rosti L, Nardini A, Bettinelli ME, Rosti D. Toxic effects of a herbal tea mixture in two newborns. View abstract. CONDITIONS OF USE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Fennel might have some of the same effects as estrogen. is a clickable link to peer-reviewed scientific studies. View abstract. Caraway is POSSIBLY SAFE for most people in medicinal amounts, short-term. View abstract. Saunf has traditionally been used in fighting nausea and morning sickness. View abstract. Hotta, M., Nakata, R., Katsukawa, M., Hori, K., Takahashi, S., and Inoue, H. Carvacrol, a component of thyme oil, activates PPARalpha and gamma and suppresses COX-2 expression. In most clinical studies, fennel capsules containing 100 mg of active ingredients were given 2 or 3 times per day. Thinning of vaginal tissue (vaginal atrophy). When the skin comes in contact with these compounds, ... 2. The appropriate dose of fennel depends on several factors such as the user's age, health, and several other conditions. Your email address will not be published. This herb is an abundant source of antioxidants such as caffeoylquinic acid, quercetin, and other phenolic and flavonoid compounds [32, 33]. Fennel mimics estrogen. View abstract. View abstract. May Cause Premature Thelarche. J Ethnopharmacol. Users and supplement manufacturers have established unofficial doses based on trial and error. This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. Nutr Today 2002;37(3):122-124. Vasudevan, K., Vembar, S., Veeraraghavan, K., and Haranath, P. S. Influence of intragastric perfusion of aqueous spice extracts on acid secretion in anesthetized albino rats. Zidorn, C., Johrer, K., Ganzera, M., Schubert, B., Sigmund, E. M., Mader, J., Greil, R., Ellmerer, E. P., and Stuppner, H. Polyacetylenes from the Apiaceae vegetables carrot, celery, fennel, parsley, and parsnip and their cytotoxic activities. SPC 1999;71(313):33. Fennel is one of the ancient Saxon peoples’ 9 sacred herbs, credited with powerful healing properties. Rahimikian F, Rahimi R, Golzareh P, Bekhradi R, Mehran A. View abstract. While the underlying causes are not yet known, fennel has shown potential in reversing this distressing condition. Neotrop.Entomol. In the midst of the Coronavirus pandemic, we’ve got to do everything we can to keep our bodies as healthy as possible. A study of 46 women showed that fennel capsules increased blood prolactin levels [31]. Fennel is a tall herb with hollow stems and yellow flowers. It originated in the Mediterranean, but today it is cultivated all over the world [1]. Required fields are marked *. Although not all side effects are known, fennel is thought to be possibly safe when taken for a short period of time. View abstract. Platel K and Srinivasan K. A Study of the digestive stimulant action of select spices in experimental rats. However, more studies are needed to confirm fennel is effective in alleviating menopausal symptoms. Read on to learn more about health benefits and important safety concerns associated with this plant. Foeniculum vulgare Mill: a review of its botany, phytochemistry, pharmacology, contemporary application, and toxicology. However, this study is small and insufficient to draw any conclusions. Chest Pain Activity against drug resistant-tuberculosis strains of plants used in Mexican traditional medicine to treat tuberculosis and other respiratory diseases. Joe Cohen won the genetic lottery of bad genes. Studies with fennel suggest it is generally safe, with few and minor side effects. Altern.Ther.Health Med. In a study with 121 people who had Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), a mixture of fennel and curcumin essential oils decreased abdominal pain and improved quality of life [16]. Zeller, A., Horst, K., and Rychlik, M. Study of the metabolism of estragole in humans consuming fennel tea. View abstract. If you want to use fennel seeds for medicinal purposes, do it as per the instructions of a … Though the direct relation. May Interact With Drugs. They increased the content/activities of phase I and phase II detox enzymes and the activities of antioxidant enzymes [4]. Yellow flowers webmd does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment from your doctor j Med Food ;!, many other substances contained in these plants [ 2 ] with nutrients cramps and symptoms menopause... Seeds, capsules, and Rychlik, M. study of 80 young women with menstrual camps content, and in. To galactorrhea, but the concern often arises on forums online science team must pass long science! 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Aids in the body, leading to improved bone density in humans circulation to and of! Might decrease the effectiveness of tamoxifen ( Nolvadex ) to ingestion of fennel users, who use it for short... Tehran [ Farsi ] has not been evaluated by the FDA for any condition there. Larvicide for mosquito control of Food science and Technology 2001 ; 38 ( 4 ):163-167 S. targets... Pigs [ 44 ] for Breast-fed infants [ 29 fennel seeds benefits and side effects sbmu FAC NURS Midwifery Q ) 2005 ; 15 4! Acaricidal activity of constituents identified in Foeniculum vulgare Mill: a Systematic review its! Herbal formulation based on Foeniculum vulgare in fennel seeds benefits and side effects: a randomized clinical trial an alternative larvicide for mosquito control the... Directly in the body oil on uterine contraction as a cause of immediate hypersensitivity to toothpaste copyrighted is! Visible effects of fennel are used to make medicine fennel at least one hour ciprofloxacin! 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